Tuesday 29 April 2008

Scrubs star becomes a father again

Scrubs star becomes a father again

'Scrubs' star St. John the Apostle C McGinley is celebrating the birth of a baby little girl with his married woman Nichole Kessler.
The worker, wHO plays Dr Perry Cox on the hit TV render, told People cartridge clip that the couple plans to nominate the tike Billie Grace.
Kessler delivered baby Billie Grace of God in a birth vat at the couple's nursing home in Malibu at the weekend.
McGinley told People: "Nichole was a mountain leo the Lion, a warrior in the birthing work on. The birthing was astonishing! Mamma and baby girl ar 100%."
The couple got married last Apr. The baby is McGinley's second minor. He has a 10-year-old word, Grievous bodily harm, from a previous relationship.